Garden of Verses



The design of the mural was inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's
book, A Child's Garden of Verses, from 1885. As a tribute to Eric Carle
and Lois Ehlert, both children's book author/illustrators who passed away in 2021, we based many of the flowers and creatures in the mural on images in their books. We also used Eric Carle's collage method of decorating sheets of paper, or in this case mural cloth, and then cutting the sheets into shapes that are pasted together.



The individual elements were made during workshops at the Art for All studio and the Fowler Library. We estimate that about 100 community members contributed to the mural which can be seen at 1322 Main St in Concord Massachusetts.

Thank you Friends of the Concord Public Library and the Mass Cultural Council for sponsoring this mural!