September 1, 2024

Happy Fall Everyone! We are looking forward to new creative adventures at the ART for ALL studio and other locations in the community. I am often asked, "How is AfA different from other arts organizations around here?"

It is partly that we place less emphasis on teaching art skills and much more on finding joy and belonging through art making in community. In addition AfA is dedicated to including people who often feel shut out of cultural opportunities for a variety of reasons including disabilities, lack of finances and feeling insecure about making art.

As a nonprofit with a strong focus on mission, we want to be responsive to the real needs of the community. Rising levels of loneliness and disconnection have led us to investigating how art making, particularly art making in community, can address mental health needs. We have been inspired by several books we have been reading with the Building Community Book Club at Fowler Library. Here are three that have informed our thinking as we develop new programs at ART for ALL:

  • Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World, by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy lays out the depth, breadth and critical nature of the Loneliness Epidemic.

  • Project Unlonely, by Jeremy Noble founder of the Foundation for Art and Healing, discusses exciting art projects and programs that demonstrate the healing power of the arts.

  • This is Your Brain on Art, by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross, goes into the clinical research on the positive effects of creative work on brain health, overall physical health and the emotions.

In October, I will be leading a three-part series at Concord's Council on Aging called Your Brain on Art, based upon the last book above. Each session will include a lecture, group discussion and an art activity.

The series will take place on October 17th, 24th, and 31st from 1:00 to 2:30. Anyone over the age of 60 can register for the series through the Council on Aging in early October.

 Wishing you all much creative joy and an abundance of connections!

Margot Kimball

Founder and Director, ART for ALL


October 1, 2024