Our Team

  • Margot Kimball, Executive Director

    Margot has been an active member of the Concord art community for over 30 years, making and displaying art, as well as teaching and organizing public art projects. She started the Village Art Room in January of 2019.

  • Laurie Engdahl, Program Director

    Laurie loves to find ways of bringing the joy of art making to people of all circumstances. She has used her skills as a n attorney to help us through the process of becoming a 5013c3, and her skills as an artist to assist in making the mural A Garden of Verses at Fowler Library. Laurie is also on the board of Gaining Ground.

  • Valerie Lessa & Joanne Lemire

    Valerie and Joanne are good friends and regular volunteers at ART for All, frequently participating in community art projects, helping with events, and making one of the biggest contributions of all- keeping the ART Room clean and tidy!

  • Anne Marie

    From project planning, organizing the space and carrying out events, Anne Marie’s artistic talent, good humor and common sense have been important elements in the development of the Art Room.

  • Chris Price, Treasurer

    Chris believes deeply in the joy that art brings to our world, and loves to share that joy through her photographs and paintings. She discovered Art for All as a volunteer on the first Music in the Village mural, and has been a merry member of the painting teams for each of the AfA West Concord murals ever since. Chris has also shown her artwork at Reasons To Be Cheerful and Fowler Library art shows. She is a Math Specialist and the Assistant Principal at the Willard Elementary School, and is delighted to join the AfA as Treasurer.

  • Susan Ward

    Susan in an unusual mix of scientist/artist. A neuropsychologist by day, as well as a maker of art and fabulous art workshop assistant.

  • Christina and Alyssa Drake

    Alyssa, Christina and their mother Kimber-Lynn Drake have been fabulous volunteers for Art for All for several years. Alyssa and Christina, both students at Concord Carlisle High School, breathed new life into our Greetings for All project. They are doing much of the organizational work that all creative projects need to flourish. Thank you Drakes!

  • Nancy Ames

    Nancy is a massage therapist by trade and an artist by inclination. Nancy is also incredibly generous with donating supplies to the Art Room. The little cart that we wheel down the hall between two rooms has probably saved Margot personally from needing a massage or two!

  • Rebecca Robichaud

    Rebecca teaches dance to students with disabilities at The Dance Inn in Lexington and supports ART for ALL's dedication to the inclusion of all abilities. She is currently our go to for all things website.

  • Cathy Karp, Lead Art Instructor

    Catherine (Cathy) Karp has been teaching art for over 30 years. She has worked in public and private schools, taught workshops to all ages, and loves to bring out the curious or reluctant artist in everyone. She is currently teaching K-8 art at Oak Meadow School in Littleton, MA. She has finally found time in life to work with Art For All and she couldn’t be more thrilled!

  • Mike Sprague, Artist in Residence

    Mike is a talented painter, as well as carpenter and gardener and leader of Boy Scouts. You can see three of his paintings at the Dunkin Donuts in Concord Center. He takes commissions - when he isn't too busy at the Art Room!

  • Saffron Heels, Administrative Coordinator

    Saffron (they/he) is a lifelong art maker. They love to work with acrylic paints, markers, and pens. He first got involved with Art for All in April 2023 and had a blast helping out with the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail mural. You can find Simon's art on instagram, @simon.heels.

  • Clare Hwang, Art for All Abilities Apprentice

    Clare has been a very helpful volunteer and a prolific contributor to art projects since the winter of 2022. She came to us through the Launch program at Concord Carlisle High School, a program that helps recent graduates with cognitive differences attain work and life experience. This past April, Clare graduated from launch and became the first recipient of the Three Stones Gallery Apprenticeship. We are incredibly fortunate to have her working with us two days a week, making art work and assisting with maintenance of the studio.

  • Linda Carmel, Studio Coordinator

    Linda was excited to find Art For All at the beginning of 2023. She relocated from Chapel Hill where she was very active in the art community as chair of the county Artists Guild and president of the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts, an artist-owned gallery. Linda loves to organize and in Art For All, she has found the perfect balance of working with others, involvement in art and enhancing the community she now calls home.