Garden Safari

This weeks Summer Adventures Post is by Art for All artist and board member, Chris Price.

Chris contributed paintings, including the one of the Town of Carlisle, to the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail Mural. She is also the photographer behind many of the photos, like the four below, that were used as reference for paintings of the BFRT mural and exhibit.

In Chris’ words

Summer travels have taken my AfA friends far afield, as you’ve read in earlier blog posts. While I did travel to NH at the beginning of July, I’ve been mainly here in Concord, “mucking about” with my camera in my garden. 

After a very busy Spring of painting parts of the Rail Trail Mural, I wanted to spend some time taking photos of my flowers— before the deer find them!

Of Flowers and Friends

When the daylilies bloom, I always think of Georgia O’Keeffe’s quote, “Nobody sees a flower, really; it is so small. We haven’t time, and to see takes time– like to have a friend takes time.” So the past few weeks have been about taking that time, looking and seeing and noticing what’s there, right outside my door.

The beauty of light

Whenever I’m photographing, whether it’s flowers or creatures or landscapes, I look for colors, textures, and lines; I don’t edit my images, because I want the viewer to see what I see, so the natural light at the time I’m shooting is a key variable. This month’s wild weather has made for some great light, especially after the rainstorms!  I’m keen to take photos that have a painterly quality about them, or that would translate well into a painting

I took these photos in the week before the deer got the message that the daylily buffet was open!  In August, I hope to do a similar series before they discover my dahlias! 


Nancy’s ART journey 🎨


Art Making in El Salvador