6th Anniversary
Open House!
Art For All is turning six, and we’re celebrating with an Open House!
This is your chance to connect with our vibrant community, explore exciting opportunities, and hear about our GOALS for 2025! Whether you're an artist, teacher, volunteer, supporter, or simply curious about what we do, there's something for everyone at our Open House.
Discover What’s New in 2025, including:
Immersive Drawing Experience: Unlock creativity and focus with this innovative approach.
Co-Crafting Thursdays: Free Creative Workspace
Join other creatives using our inspiring, welcoming studio to work on their projects or jump into crafting with an art kit.Concord 250 Lantern: Announcing our latest public art initiative. We have raised 15K to build a giant 8ft lantern to celebrate the American Revolution's 250th anniversary and Concord’s rich history. Meet the fabricators and see a model size of the lantern.